Presidential Nominating Primary Election - Tuesday, March 5, 2024 State Primary Election - Tuesday, August 13, 2024 General Election - Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Local Elections In St. Bonifacius, elections for City Council are held every two years. The Mayor serves a two-year term and City Council Members serve four-year terms. Terms for City Council Members are staggered, with two members being elected every two years.
Candidate Filings If you want to file for office please see information under 'Filing for Office' under the Government tab of this website. To search for candidates who have filed to run for office on Election Day, please visit the Secretary of State's Candidate Filings Election Division.
Election Districts
US Congressional District: 03 • MN Senate District: 33
County Commissioner District: 07 • Park District: Hennepin 4
MN Judicial District: 33A • School District: ISD 110
To register to vote, you must fill out a Voter Registration Application. When filling out the application, you must sign and date the oath printed at the bottom. By signing the application, you are swearing that you are eligible to register to vote. The application can be submitted anytime except during the 20 days immediately preceding any election. It is highly advisable to register a minimum of 30 days before the election. A Voter Registration Application may be obtained by:
Visiting the City of St. Bonifacius' Offices, located at 8535 Kennedy Memorial Drive
Calling St. Bonifacius City Hall at 952-446-1061 to request a Voter Registration Application be mailed to you
Voting for the residents of St. Bonifacius is held at City Hall 8535 Kennedy Memorial Drive. Use the Polling place finder, which will provide you with the Districts for your precinct (including maps) and "Candidates on My Ballot" (candidates and questions on the ballot at your next election, when available.)
Qualifications? Qualified voters of St. Bonifacius may vote by absentee ballot if they are unable to get to their polling place on Election Day.
To vote in Minnesota, you must be registered. If you are not registered to vote at your current address, you can still apply for an absentee ballot. A Voter Registration Application will be included in the materials you receive to cast your absentee ballot. You will need to return your completed Voter Registration Application with your ballot.
Voting Absentee by Mail
Follow these steps to complete your absentee ballot by mail:
Obtain an Absentee Ballot Application or you may call the City Clerk's office at 952-446-1061 to have one mailed to you.
Complete and return the application as soon as possible. You may submit your application by mail, fax, or as a scanned image attached to an email to the City Office at
Upon receipt of your completed application, your absentee ballot and materials will be mailed to you as soon as ballots become available - 46 days before the Primary Election and 46 days before the General Election. If you are not registered to vote, the materials will include a Voter Registration Application.
Follow the instructions provided in your absentee ballot materials to complete the process successfully. You will need a witness to certify that your ballot was delivered to you blank and that you marked your ballot in private. This witness can be anyone registered to vote in Minnesota, including your spouse or relative, a notary public, or a person with the authority to administer oaths.
Return your absentee ballot materials by Election Day to your local election office. There are several delivery options:
Ask someone to return your ballot for you before 3:00 p.m. on Election Day (this person cannot deliver more than three ballots).
Return your ballot in person by 5:00 p.m. on the day before the election.
Send your ballot materials back using United States mail or a package delivery service by Election Day.
Your ballot may not be delivered directly to your polling place.
Voting Absentee in Person
Where: Your County Auditor's office or the City Clerk's office
46-day period before the Primary or General Election
During normal business office hours (the City of St. Bonifacius is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
Last Saturday before Election Day from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Arrive at your County Auditor's or City Clerk's office during one of the above designated times. The election official will provide you with absentee ballot materials to complete. If you are not already registered to vote at your current address, you will need to fill out a Voter Registration Application and show proof of residence.