Help Maintain Stormwater System
The city has important information to share regarding erosion control, illicit discharge and catch basin cleanliness in regards to the city storm water system.
Erosion control: Please avoid mowing up to the water's edge. This will allow a natural vegetation buffer and stronger root system which will prevent damage to your trees and erosion of the creek bank.
Illicit discharge: Any discharge to the storm water system that is not composed entirely of storm water is considered illicit discharge. Pollutant levels from discharges like oil and laundry wastewater have been shown to be high enough to significantly degrade receiving water quality and threaten aquatic, wildlife and human health.
City street catch basin cleanliness: Please refrain from raking leaves into the city street. Decomposing bits wash down the street to the storm sewer catch basins and eventually into the lakes and streams where nutrients will feed unwanted algae growth. The algae drop to the bottom where it uses up oxygen that fish and native plants need.
The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) is responsible for managing and protecting the water resources in one of the largest and most heavily used urban watersheds in the state. The watershed covers 181 square miles from St. Bonifacius to south Minneapolis, including eight major creeks, 129 lakes, and thousands of wetlands.
You are encouraged to report illicit discharge by contacting the MCWD at 952-471-0590 or the city at 952-446-1061.