Protect Our Water
As you look ahead to making plans for your home improvement projects, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends the following steps to insure that you keep the storm water system free of polluted runoff.
- Before beginning an outdoor project, locate the nearest storm drains and protect them from debris and other materials.
- Sweep up and properly dispose of construction debris such as concrete and mortar.
- Use hazardous substances like paints, solvents and cleaners in the smallest amounts possible and follow the directions on the label. Clean up spills immediately and dispose of the waste safely.
- Purchase and use non-toxic, biodegradable, recycled and recyclable products whenever possible.
- Clean paint brushes in a sink, not outdoors. Filter and reuse paint thinner when using oil-based paints. Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection program.
- Reduce the amount of paved area and increase the amount of vegetated area in your yard. Use native plants in your landscaping to reduce the need for watering during dry periods. Consider directing downspouts away from paved surfaces onto lawns and other measures to increase infiltration and reduce polluted runoff.